Conferences 2015

Aula Magna ITI OMAR Lamarmora, 12 Novara

“Drugs: know to fight”
Tuesday, April 14 at 21
Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana: Metamorphosis of a plant
Prof. Giovanni Appendino
Drug Science Department (DISCAFF)
University of Piemonte Orientale – Novara

Tuesday, May 5 at 21
Drug abuse, alcohol and drugs: new methods of investigation
Prof Marco Vincenti
Department of Chemistry, University of Turin

Tuesday, November 10 at 21
Drugs as a human experience
Prof. Eugenio Borgna
Emeritus Chief of Psychiatry, Ospedale Maggiore della Carità  of Novara

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“New frontiers Supply”
Tuesday, May 26 at 21
Dietary supplements and probiotic bacteria
Dr. Patrizia Malfa
R & D manager of Proge Farm Ltd.

Tuesday, September 29th at 21
Italian cooking between innovation and tradition
Adv. Mario Tuccillo
Novara’s delegate  of ‘Italian Academy of Cuisine”


Tuesday, December 1 at 21
Coffee as ….medicine
Dr. Mauro Campanini
Primary Chief of Medicine 2, Ospedale Maggiore della Carità  of Novara

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“Art in the nineteenth century Novara”
Tuesday, June 16th at 21
Music at  theater in the nineteenth century   Novara
Dr Alberto Viarengo
Conservatorio Guido Cantelli

Tuesday, October 20th at 21
Novara in the nineteenth century.
Urban transformation, architectural, decorative
Prof. Emiliana Mongiat
“Scrinium,” Friends of the State Archive  of Novara